Kundalini Activation & Events

Free- Light Language Akashic Records Healing

Light Language Akashic Records Healing August 15th @ 7pm

25 Minute - $0

Virtual - Relax and receive event - via Zoom

Space will be limited to 15 spots! This is a free event with the intention to raise the vibration of the collective. Crysalyn channels healing through the Akashic Records with Light Language immersion. This is a very powerful experience that will lead you to achieve spiritual expansion and a clear understanding of your spiritual nature. Channeling the high vibrational energies of the Akashic Records and Light Language will help clear stuck energy or any negative influences from the past, allowing you to move forward on our spiritual journey.

The Akashic Records and Light Language are an infinite source of insight and healing. Through this ancient wisdom and language, we can gain greater clarity about our soul's journey and take control of our destiny. We can break free from limitations, heal old wounds, and step into a more present way of being. By doing this we release all energy that is not serving our highest good and restore balance in our lives. Clearing within the Akashic Records gives a greater understanding of ourselves, enabling us to live our highest and best life possible.

Find your way back to wholeness with this powerful process of healing and release on emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual levels. This will be a very calm and relaxing experience that will leave you feeling very much in a peaceful Zen state.

Kundalini Life Force Transmission

Kundalini Activation Transmission

Coming soon

Kundalini Activation

Kundalini Activation (also known as KA or KAP) is a direct energy transmission that activates the process of Kundalini awakening in a safe and secure manner. In a KA session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience that gives them deep insights or realizations. But these are just some of the experiences that may or may not happen. A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure.

Kundalini Activation is a transmission of LIFE FORCE ENERGY which enters from the top of the crown, down towards the root chakra, it gradually builds up and eventually begins to flow in both ways. The transmission of KA is different from any classic Kundalini practice and goes beyond just kundalini. KA is an energy transmission, not a self-generated process. During the session, you rest on a yoga mat while music is playing in the background. The facilitator may apply pressure or lay hands-on various chakra or meridian points across your body. From an outside perspective, that is the entire process. Yet the inner journey that takes place is unique to you. 

Kundalini Activation is hard to put into words and best to be experienced. 

Surrendering is the key to Kundalini Activation. Relinquish to a state of being and learning to just receive is so important when thriving in this energy. No need to use force or to set specific intentions.  


Some have experienced: 

  • Deep sense of clarity and calmness
  • Amplified intuition
  • Emotional freedom
  • Shifts in perception of reality
  • Having deep insights or realizations
  • Ease of stress and anxiety
  • Awakened spiritual gifts
  • Developed senses
  • A capacity to feel more deeply 
  • Deeper states of consciousness
  • Stronger connection to themselves
  • Living more Heart centered 
  • Inner knowing 
  • Bliss states
  • Experiencing non-dual states or oneness
  • Opening to a new sense of purpose  

KA is DIVINE Life Force energy that is the greatest human potential and probably the most mystical and seek after force in the human body. Activation of Kundalini is a holy grail of many practices because it has a powerful, profound effect on the human body, mind, and spirit. Once activated, it unleashes a mechanism within the body that can heal, transform, upgrade your DNA and even connect you with super consciousness taking you back to the source.


KA is transmission of Kundalini. It is a natural, intelligent process that requires nothing but surrender. Its a transformational journey that is all about removing limitations, releasing stagnant energy and feelings, as well as finding a profounder connection with our highest self, spiritual growth, and a deeper consciousness.

To receive the transmission all that is necessary is lay down, close your eyes, surrender to the energy and not have any expectations. During a Kundalini Activation session, your natural state of consciousness will adjust to a higher frequency which connects you to your original essence and provides deep healing and transformation. Whether you are just starting out or have been working on your healing journey for a long time this energy is highly intelligent and will meet you where you are and bring you where you need to be. 


What matters is not what happens in a session, but the great shifts in your life after sessions. Many have shared that they have come to many realizations after experiencing KA and it has helped them to make lifestyle choices more suited for their highest and greatest good.